Tears, Love and Laughter: The Story of the Acadians, by Pierre V. Daigle


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3rd edition. This book has been called, “the best introduction to the best of the Cajun heart and soul”. It tells the history of the Cajuns from the time they left France to their resettlement in Southwest Louisiana.

First published in 1972, Pierre Daigle and Hebert Publications have brought back this book and expanded it to include more about Cajun music and musicians from southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. It has been carefully researched and written to tell the history of the Cajuns from the time they left France in 1604 and settled in Canada, to 1755 when they were driven out of their country by the British army, to their resettlement in southwest Louisiana. The second part of this book is about the exciting and unique Cajun music, including photos and stories of 70 best known Cajun musicians, including legends like Joe Falcon, Iry Lejeune, Nathan Abshire, Lawrence Walker, Leo Soileau, Harry Choates, Amede Ardoin, Dewey Balfa and many others. Includes a 22-page discography.

Paperback, 164 pages.

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Weight .5 lbs